Architect Builders

There are several benefits to hiring a design-build firm over a traditional contractor. Benefits include a streamlined process, a single point of contact, better collaboration, more efficient communication, potentially faster project completion times, and lower overall costs. With a design-build firm, you can have a team of professionals working together from the start to ensure your vision is realized in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Transparent Communication

In the traditional approach, communication between the architect and contractor relies on the client as the intermediary. This can result in misinterpretation or incomplete transmission of design intent and specifications. It may also lead to delays in decision-making and problem-solving, as the architect and contractor communicate separately. ROAM has streamline this dual process by bridging gap and interweaving the two industry into one process. Where both design and construction are working closely with all consultants carefully from beginning to end.

Return on Investment

Hiring a design-build firm offers a streamlined process, from design to construction, with transparent communication, maximizing ROI. We offer feasibility studies than can help you understand your construction budget before starting the design process, ensuring a feasible project and realistic expectations.

ADU with Style

Investing in an ADU is a smart move for any homeowner, and working with a skilled architect can take it to the next level. Our team has the experience and expertise to create a beautiful and functional space that adds value to your property. Skip the hassle of dealing with multiple contractors and trust us to handle every step of the process.

What Clients Say

Their collaborative approach is what sets Rich and Justin apart. They believe that the process of designing and constructing a structure is a deeply intertwined journey that requires the seamless integration of respective design and construction expertise. Rather than working in isolation, they engage in continuous dialogue, exchanging ideas and insights to refine and improve the final result. Their shared vision and mutual respect create a synergy that elevated our project to new levels.

Robert G.

Engaging ROAM was a transformative decision for me, bringing significant time and cost savings. From the very start, they provided invaluable guidance, enabling me to make informed investment choices for the design and construction of my home. Their unwavering honesty and transparency allowed me to understand where my investments would yield the greatest returns. With Roam, you can rely on their meticulous attention to detail and unwavering professionalism throughout every stage of your project.

Lindsey M.

ROAM possess a deep entrepreneurial spirit and a keen understanding of the business side of this industry. They are adept at comprehending their clients' constraints and opportunities, ensuring that their designs align with our goals and understand what is possible within our budget range. I was so thankful for the time they spent with us educating us on the process. Their holistic approach allowed them to deliver our home design, that was not only visually stunning, but also practical and within budget.

Craig W.

Are You Ready to Build?

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